Drug and Alcohol Policy Review

A robust substance abuse or misuse policy is fundamental for workplace health and safety. The appropriate policy in place demonstrates your commitment to a safe workplace, as well as helping you to protect your reputation.
Key Benefits
Minimise the risks in the workplace
Reduce the number of absences
Raise awareness in the workplace
Clear rules regarding alcohol and drugs
Comply with appropriate legislation
What is it?

A drug and alcohol policy can be one of those documents which sit around until there is an issue, and in some cases, amendments are required for it to be fit for purpose. If you are looking to implement drug and alcohol screening in your organisation and are looking for policy review, or would like to make sure your policy is effective then we can provide a review service.
All organisations can benefit from an agreed policy on drug/alcohol misuse. You could include a drug and alcohol policy as part of your overall health and safety policy. Employers have a general duty of care to ensure as far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety, and welfare of employees, under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974.
Workplace testing is proven to reduce risk. Using alcohol or drugs at work can have serious consequences, especially for those working in safety-critical industries such as construction, engineering, or logistics. Random testing such as urine, oral fluid and breath testing, or pre-employment tests such as nail testing, can help you ensure your staff are fit to perform their duties, and reduce the likelihood of workplace accidents resulting in serious injury and in extreme cases, loss of life.
How it works
Your Account Manager will work with you to understand the needs of your business. It is important to have an understanding of the approach your business will take to dealing with alcohol and drugs issues.
We will discuss how a policy should set out the principles for managing issues around the misuse of drugs, alcohol, smoking and other substances in order to ensure a fair, reasonable and consistent approach.
You will receive a full review or template for your substance abuse policy from your Account Manager within 14 days.
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